9 ways of losing belly fat. Belly fat is not just about making your clothes tighter an excessively unfit. It is seriously harmful. Excessive belly fat also known as visceral fat develops diabetes heart diseases and other. Losing belly fat is a common weight loss goal but it's quite hard to achieve due to the fact this kind of fats are really stubborn to leave. So people get rid of them too late. Here are 9 ways to accelerate the journey of losing belly fat. 1. Calorie count- go on calorie deficit. The only way to lose belly fat is to maintain calorie deficit. Calorie deficit is the difference between the calories you get from food and ind calories you had spent in activities. Whether you consume less calories or utilise more calories, maintaining calorie deficit is must. For this planning and counting whole sum of calories consumed is must. For assistance, apps like calorie counter and others are available. 2.Try intermi...
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